need advice


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Hi everyone,
We have just installed a doggie door for our girls. Samantha has had no problem with it--we figured she would not. Our problem is Sara. Sara is our 9 1/2 yr old rescue. She is very shy. How do we get her to use the door? So far we have coaxed her through with treats, but we cannot get her to push the flap herself. (She won't even push the door open if she cannot get through it.) The flap is clear and the size is very big, 15x20. She just won't push the flap. We have started her through it and let the flap lay on her head hoping she will get the idea, but no luck. She is so timid. Any suggestions? She just stands there smiling at us wagging her tail til we open the flap about an inch then she will go through. Help


Super Moderator
Just thought I would let everyone know that Sara has learned to use the doggie door. She is not one to work for food, but get out the biscuts and look out