

New member
So, I know there are a lot of you going to nationals.

This will be my first, and I am really excited.

I ahve a serious question, though. I am fillinf out all my forms, etc, and am looking at the food form. I am planning to go to the awards banquet, but do you guys go to all these other buffets? It seems kind of expensive and I have never been overly fond of hotel food...If that's what everyone does, then I will to (nothing like a follower, hm) but if most people head out to resturants, I don't really want to spen 30 a night on a buffet...input?

Also, Annie or someone who knows how this all works...are we gonna have a newf net get together? That would be lots of fun, at least I think it would......


ROM Newf

New member
It seems as if each year fewer and fewer people eat the offered dinners/buffets - but it depends on how close we are to other restaurants. We were within walking distance of a number of restaurants in Maryland but would have had to drive to restaurants in PA and RI.
We've almost always purchased the offered dinner- only because it's a pain in the you-know-where to break down our set-up just to go off-site for dinner.


New member
Laura, I'm a Newbie too, this is my first time. I just got my confirmation on the lodging. From what I hear there are lots of little places to eat in the town. I am probably going to skip the buffet's but would like to go to the Awards Banquet.
I second the emotion on a Newf Net get together. I wonder how many of us are going ?


New member
I think I will skip the buffets. Like you said, I plan to go to the awards banquet, but 85 for 3 meals seems like a lot. Esp since I am not bringing any dogs to have to worry about. Or my husband, either. I get to go solo! Yeah! I so need a vacation.

Meeting room requests aren't due till 4/1, so we still have time. But I was wondering if there would be enough people to make it worthwhile...and when to set it for.


ROM Newf

New member
The meeting room requests refer to NCA committees. You may be expected to pay for a room since this is a non-NCA group or they may turn down your request. There's always the bar- or lobby- which would be free.


New member
See, I'm such a newbie to this. I vote fot the bar...

I think the bigger question is when? Someone who's been there any downtime? Or is either something happening or there is grooming to do?

ROM Newf

New member
There's always grooming and walking dogs and feeding dogs to do. Thursday night is the NCA annual meeting. Friday is often the fine arts auction/brown bag raffle. Wednesday? Can't remember what's Wednesday. Usually the annual meeting is over fairly early (and I don't see any big controversy this year) so maybe that would be a good night. Of course if there are very few NCA members on that are going to be at the National, you could probably have the bar to yourself during the meeting.