Morgan`s 2nd leg.....


New member
ok this was a sad thing, but we eeeked our second leg, she got a score of 175 1/2
she is quite capable of 190
i brought her in to early, i know that now, i probably need to wait till 15 minutes before she should be on.
next, her recall solid, her sits and downs solid, her figure eight, was ok, but......
she had been doing fantastic, but decided to try to wedge between myself and the post on the outside turn again. grrrrr, otherwise she did well and ended up on the proper side, with a proper sit.
the healing on leash, started out with a lag and a stand instead of sit, than she shaped up and did well, stand stay solid, healing off leash, ok guys, i watched this judge through the whole thing, i did not see him smile once, he looked very strict to me, well till morgan came into the ring, can we say he knows newfs????
he smiled and laughed when i was in there, and when he told me my score he had a cute smile on his face. LOL
i think he saw that morgan was being a naughty gal.
now i need to find correction clinics and i need some advice, how do i keep from getting so nervouse????
i am so test phobia it is not funny.
is there some kind of breathing thing i can do?
i feel like a wet noodle in my legs and arms when i go, but i smile big, becouse i think it helps to calm me and morgan, any tips????


Super Moderator
Have you tried Rescue Remedy if you are nervous?
Having laboured in Utility with my Lab for 3 years I found that she was picking up on my frustrations and so lent her to my friend about 6 weeks ago. Today she got her first CKC (Canadian) Utility leg, I think she needed a break from me

Gracie the little Newf was in Open yesterday and passed nicely with 192, but today she decided it wasn't the thing to do to do the Long Sit and so flunked :(
I think sometimes we have to remind ourselves this obedience stuff is supposed to be fun and try not to get nervous as it's not the end of the world (even if we think it is!!!)
Good Luck Sar on the 3rd leg, you'll do just fine.
Do you have correction matches anywhere near you?


New member
Thanx and i never thought of rescue rememdy! LOL
i will have to try that.
and yes there are 2 correction clinics but none before this sunday wich is the sheboygan show.
that would help tremendously.
congrats to your lab!!! that is wonderful! ;) :D
The only thing I can think of with the test phobia is to keep telling yourself that it's not a big deal and to picture yourself at home, or wherever you feel comfortable doing these things. I can relate to what you're feeling...I HATE being the center of attention...all eyes focused on me. Go out there knowing you know what to do, Morgan knows what to do, and don't worry about the judge. Pretend they're a trainer maybe instead of a judge and maybe that will help. Just going in the ring is half the battle!


New member
Hey fuzzy! thanx for the suggestions.
sounds like a plan, i will remember to read this post sunday morning before i leave!
glad to hear things are better with owen.


New member
Just wanted to wish you luck Sarnewfie! I think it's great you're working on the obedience title :cool: