More bad news for Hannah..........

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New member
Took her in to the clinic this morning for a UTI. While Dr. Jason was examining her he was palpating her belly and got that look on his face that I don't like at all.

Long story short....she has a huge mass on her spleen. Blood work looked pretty much okay.

Comfort measures being taken. She will be 12 if she makes it past July 9th. She's still eating good and getting around slowly.

She also has severe hip dsyplasia and spondylosis in her neck and spine. No heroics. Just going to take it one day at a time.


Active member
So sorry to hear this. I know you will do the best you can for her and make sure she is comfortable. These senior dogs are so sweet. They've given us their all and it's difficult to watch them age sometimes. I'm sending lots of good thoughts to Miss Hannah.


New member
Thank you for all your kind thoughts for my old girl. Pain medication is keeping her comfortable. She is eating well and still barky and bossy of the other two including Finne who is twice her weight and three times her height! She sleeps most of the time but that's not new. She still perks up for a cheese wrapper or a car ride.
One day at a time. I know the end is near.
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