Keep your fingers crossed


Super Moderator
OK everyone tomorrow I will try a new way to get the red stains off a landseer's white legs, chin, mane and private area. This stuff is suppose to be safe enought to drink and marinate meat in. I will let everyone know tomorrow if it works or not. Keep your fingers crossed for me (and Panda)

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Super Moderator
You are all wrong. I didn't get time to try it today, but I will tomorrow. I groomed a new newf today from a town that is about an hour from me. He is almost a year old and his name is Sam!! He was very good and his coat is wonderful--after I got all the undercoat out. Anyway with him and all my other clients today I didn't get to try the stuff on Panda. I WILL tomorrow because it is Saturday and NO CUSTOMERS.

The red stains come from the salt in the saliva and tears. Panda's front lets are stained from where she lays her muzzle on her legs. I believe it is going to work.

Hate to keep everyone in suspense another day, but sorry.........

Annie, I invited Sam and his dad and mom to our SCNC meeting on Sunday. Can't wait!!!!

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Super Moderator
Ok I tired it and it didn't work as well as I hoped it would
Actually I was hoping for a miracle remover. It does work, but it make take a couple of times to get the stains out completely. I left the packet with the name of it at my shop so I will post all the details later.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda