Job Well Done


New member
Hats off to Newf.Netter's Susan Kerby and Annie Milliron (along with some help from other's like Roscoe and BlueDog)for putting on a spectacular NCA Water Test this past weekend in Indy. Take it from a former secretary and test chair, no one knows the amount of time and energy it takes to host a test.

By all accounts, SCNC's test was well organized, and smoothly run. A great weekend was had by many Newf lovers as the result of countless hours of work and preparation by the test committee and the club members. On behalf of other working dog people, thanks for making it possible!


New member
Hi Wheatly,

I don't have all the results so I am hesitant to post for fear of leaving a much deserving team out. Hopefully when Susan Kerby and Annie have had a chance to catch their breath they will post the weekend's results!



New member
I was not there, but hats off and good job. I have helped at a seattle event and I have to say it makes for a long day.. I did not do that much but was tuckered after it was over.