I've often had Malia step on my foot


Inactive Member
while she is backing up and I know first hand how much it hurts! Well, the other night, my husband was getting ready to take Malia and Boomer for a walk and they were all excited. They were at the door and Malia walked back (I swear if she was a big truck, she would beep!)and stepped on Boomers back left leg. He cried out. We didn't think much of it as he seemed to enjoy his walk. Then when he got home, he was laying down and started whimpering. I called him over to me and he tried to get up and cried out. I knew he was in pain but didn't know from what. Then I rememered that Malia stepped on his foot. I was so worried. I gave him a rimadyl for pain. Then at 1 in the morning he cried out again. I got up and held him and went back to sleep. It's been two days now and he seems to be doing better. He is back to running around being his usual rambunctious (spelling) self. Well, guess what I did this evening? As I was getting the laundry out of the drier, I accidently stepped on his injured foot and he yelped! I wonder if he fractured his foot? He's doing just fine but my stepping on it didn't help. If he did indeed fracture his foot, would the vet do anything?


Staff member
Cozy steps on me all the time the big oaf.

I'm no vet, and have never seen a broken foot, but I have to imagine that if it were broken, he wouldn't be frolicking at all on it. That's just a WAG though...



New member
Hi, Theresa. He might have cracked a toe, or it might still be sore from the old injury. But it must be better, or he wouldn't be romping around. Be careful with Rimadyl, though. Has he been cleared by your vet to take it? If he hasn't been blood tested for liver or kidney function (can't recall which it can affect, but it's one of those), it could be dangerous. Ascriptin is safer for minor ouches.


New member
I know Gracie once broke my toe by stepping on it, Ouch! I know I sure could not run around for several days. There is not much they can do for a broken toe, I would assume it would be the same on a dog. I would just him buffered asprin the next couple days since he can get around on it. It's probably just a very bad bruise. If he's not better in several days I personally would bring him to the vet for an opinion.
Good Luck,


Inactive Member
Thanks everyone. His foot is all better. Must of been a sprain or something because he's back to bodyslamming Malia! LOL! Although I must say, he get's blamed for allot of things but I've seen Malia instigating a wrestling match many a times. Rimadyl is what the vet recommended for his post op pain when he got neutered so I just used a couple of those to get him through this ordeal. Glad the board is back up and running again. I thought I posted too much and got shut out! lol!


Super Moderator
I am glad to hear the foot it better. However I would be very cautious when using Rimadyl. It can be very dangerous. It works well as an anti-inflamitory, but if buffered asprin can do the trick, it is much safer. I have used Rimadyl sparingly. Long term use can cause many health problems