Intermittent Tremor and Limp


New member
Lewis has an intermittent tremor and occasionally limps, favoring his left rear leg. No apparent cause; happens after a walk, sometimes after a nap and as quickly as it comes on it goes away. At his annual check up the vet, poked and prodded looking for a tender spot and found nothing. I've seen the tread about tremors generally being harmless but the limp is bothering me.

Anyone have any thoughts re: this?




Active member
How old is he?

I know Merlin had muscle tremors when he was younger and we ended up walking him through water to build his muscles up.

As for the limp if you see my thread on Max maybe its something similiar like pano
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Active member
Elvis' torn ligament started out as a random limp. First very randomly, then after a lot of activity (like playing in his pool), then just in the morning, then every morning, then occasionally after a nap, then after every nap......You can see where this is going! At the first appointment for this it wasn't bad enough to tell on exam. Over the next month it progressed, and here we are now, 9 weeks post TPLO surgery.

Maybe try to record when he does it? After what activity, and for how long. When it first started Elvis would only limp for 3 steps and be fine the rest of the day.