Hugger to the Rescue


Staff member
Hugger to the resuce
Dorothy Hinsaw Patent with photographs by William Munoz.
ISBN 0-525-65161-6
Cobblehill Books
Penguin Books USA Inc.
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014 Hugger to the Rescue

This is one of my favorite Newfie Books, as it has some of the best pictures I've ever seen AND it contains Newfies doing SAR work.

It's sort of a children's book, but would definatly be for an older child who can read for themselves. Plus it's too nice to give to my three year old.

Believe it or not I found this booking stuffed into the wrong section of my local Barnes and Noble years ago. I believe it is now out of print however.

Given enough nudges I could take pictures of the inside pages to show the quality, but right now I'm just too tired.

I would recommend it hands down and give it 5 out of 5... paws? Woofs? well it gets 5 out of 5.

[ 11-30-2002, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: GAD ]


Inactive Member
Thanks for the suggestion! My 7 yr old reads very well, and I think this would be a great book to read with him.

I hear ya with the 3 yr old. My 2½ yr old still destroys books, and I can't even let him look at them on his own :rolleyes:
One of my most faverovite books in the world is 1. "In The Company Of Newfies" ,written by Rhoda Lerman. If you havent read this one ,you gotta. 2. Tittled simply "newf" ,about a black newfie that appears on a coastline and befriends a little kitten. its a great book for children and adults too. 3."Brave Tales Of Real Dogs" , By Eleanor Fairchild Pease, its the tale of a newfie that rescues a Mastiff which happens to be his arch enemy, from drowning. These three are my favorites.