Hoping to learn lots


Inactive Member
Hi! I'm new to your board, and as you can see, I currently have a collie. Our family is considering adding a newfie, but they are tough to find. In the meantime, I hope to learn a lot of good info, and I agree with the previous post re the cost of getting a pup. It is a little daunting to find out how expensive they are. Guess I'll just start saving now, and by the time I find a breeder, I'll have a newfie nest egg built up! Jill


Super Moderator
HI Jill and welcome to newf.net. Have you thought of adding a rescue newf to your home??? I have three. In fact I didn't purchase a puppy until just a few days ago. It took me 7 years to stop adopting rescues and finally get a puppy.

Rescues are so sweet. They adjust well, as any newf, and I think they are more loving because they know what the "other side" is like!!


Inactive Member
I would consider rescue, but I do want to get a young dog, and I'm a little leery of getting a dog that you have no idea what is in their background. No one wants to adopt a dog, then find out it has a lot of health problems. I have had trouble finding a rescue organization that lists its available dogs. Also, I don't have a fenced yard, and this might be a drawback. We can't have a fence, because we live on a golf course green. Although, it is quite a distance away, and it provides a huge area in back of my house for game playing!
Welcome to Newf Net, Collie Owner
You will sure learn a lot here
My newfie is 6 months old, but would certainly consider a rescue, a lot of times it is not because of health issues a newf is given up, sometimes it is because of personal reasons going on in someones life... either way, newfies are great ;)

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

Welcome to Newf Net! One thing you might consider is to attend a regional club's events. It's a good way to meet alot of people and Newfs, as well as breeders!

The Regional Club for your area (and mine, as well as many other Newf Netters) is South Central Newfoundland Club (SCNC). Most of our gatherings are in Indiana. Here is a link to SCNC's website

If you have any questions, please feel free to private message me!


New member
Hi Jill!

You're only about 45 min. from me! I showed my Emmy in the shows at the Lake Co. fairgrounds a few weeks ago.

As Annie said, a good place to start is with our regional club. Also, there will be a few all breed shows in Valpo at the Porter Co. fairgrounds June 19-21. If you go to www.royjonesdogshows.com and click on the premium lists, then click on Valparaiso KC, it will give you all the info. About 1-2 weeks before the show, the times and breed counts will be listed under "judging programs/breakdowns" on the site. Keep checking and you should get the info you need. Hope you get a chance to stop by at least one show to say hi.

Welcome aboard!