First Bath suggestions?


New member
Can someone give me some suggestions on how to make Jake's first bath as enjoyable as possible? Can I use a people hairdryer on him? Also he isn't great about letting me comb him (he is always trying to eat the comb)any suggestions would be appreciated. I have a feeling I am going to end up as wet as he does



New member
LOL Diane, Yes, you will be as wet as he is. Be prepared!!
Jeannie is best to help you on this, she's a groomer. Molly's getting one too so she looks good for the nationals
. But I'm sure she will be rolling in mud the minute I let her out
. She's a real tomboy. Linda


Super Moderator
First baths are lots of fun - yea right!! Anyway make it fun and do not scare him with the spray. Wet, shampoo and rinse the body before you attempt the face. Then only do the face if he is not too stressed. You can always use a wash cloth at first if need be. If you do wash the face do not use a hard spray. Put cotton in the ears to avoid ear infections. (Do this with all baths) The most important thing is to remember to rinse all the shampoo out. Rinse rinse rinse until you think all the shampoo is out and then rinse again. Very important.

When drying the blow dryer may or may not scare him. If you can use it do not use the heat. You can burn them very easily. I would put it cool or just luke warm. Do not use hot.

Combing well all puppies bite the comb. Try to break up the sessions so puppy is not board. Use treats to lurk him away from the comb. Comb bitting is something you just deal with with puppies.

good luck and let me know who it goes. BTW you WILL get soaked.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
Kodi's first bath was a disaster
He was put in the sink lined with a towel and it was downhill from there. After putting the puppy shampoo on, it was like trying to hold onto a greased pig. Water water everywhere and none left in the sink. I wrapped him in a towel and he shook for 5 minutes. Kodi hated being bathed as a puppy, but now is fine at the groomer's. Diane, I think Jeannie could give you some helpful suggestions for Jake's first bath.

Brenda and Kodi


Super Moderator
After reading Brenda's reply I thought I would add another thought. Be sure to use a non slip surface in the tub. A towel will slip. Use a rubber bath mat. If you have a slippery surface you pup will be scared to death.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
We did the bath thing in the shower since I could rinse him better since the shower head is removeable. But regardless, the bath part wasn't bad it was the after that was awful between trying to dry him and comb him it was near impossible. So I think I am going to find me a really good groomer



New member
Brady hated his first bath and quite honestly I didn't think it was that great either. Our bathtub is very deep, good thing my husband was home to help me lift him out. We won't be using the bathtub again. He is actually pretty good about letting us comb and brush him. We started doing that when we first brought him home. I also try to do it when he is very tired. That is when I do is nails also. We just bought a new tent trailer with an outside sprayer (with warm water) we will be able to use that this summer.