Fall of Sadam


Inactive Member
Well, I am not opening up a heated debate here....but I do want to express my hapiness for the people of Iraq and Baghdad...I watched this morning while the US Marines helped them pull down a statue of Sadam in the center of Baghdad....after futile attempts of the Iraqui people to pull it down themselves, they finally asked the marines...and their jubilation when this went down was amazing! I am thrilled for the people of Iraq who have been oppressed by this regime for so long. I was not alive during WWII, however, this seems to me to be similar to Hitler, and what happened then.

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end, and our soldiers can come home!


Greg L

New member
I think that the jubilation that was shown was more along the lines of the Berlin Wall coming down or the fall of the USSR.

We homeschool the kids. The usual work was suspended this morning for the live history lesson.



Inactive Member
I guess the intended reference to Hitler was the regime of Sadam...the torture and control.
I was too young to remember the jubilation with the fall of the USSR, but I do remember the Berlin wall, and I agree. What a great history lesson!



New member
i have had this on all morning and could not be happier for these people, it is yet to soon to say it is over, but the light at the end of the tunnel is showing, i feel so bad for these people but soon we wont have to anymore.


Super Moderator
It took me all morning to groom 5 dogs and bathe a cat because I was watching all this on tv. The tv my wonderful husband installed in my groomin shop, cable hookup and all!!!

I think is it wonderful that the people of Iraq will soon be free, something we, in America, take for granted
Yes, we Americans do take our Freedom for granted. I am very PROUD to be an American. A flag is on a pole in my front yard 12 months a year, it never comes down, a light shines on it from dusk to dawn. I grew up with a flag flying high in my yard, my Dad was in WW 2, it was important to him.
There is nothing funny about the war...but...watching the Statue getting pulled down, and all the people pulling on it, it reminded me of the Macy's Day Parade on TV..looked like a hugh "Float", being pulled by a rope, losing all it helium, and fizzling out. :D


Inactive Member
It was very intriguing....watching the Iraqi people try to take that statue down....hitting the cement base with a sledgehammer....finally asking the marines for help. Also, they just said that the flag that was hoisted was the OLD flag before the Sadam regime...it does not have the arabic writing on it. So much symbolism.

This is obviously very important to them....and hitting it with their shoes. That is also, to arabs, very degrading...getting hit with a shoe. Apparently a big insult!
