Dotty Daria


Active member
Daria turned 1o years old this past June. She sure isn't as sharp as she used to be. She's.......kinda lost these days. I've professed the use of fish oils and Young At Heat but even these are not keeping her functioning at a full clip these days. There's nothing serious going on, mind you. She's just "off". Acting old. Resigned. But not ready to give up the ghost, thankfully.

I have not much experience with seniors, unfortunately. My oldest was my Saint Beau Bear and he died at 9 years of age.

Maybe she's a bit slow right now from the 7 containers of yogurt she stole from my fridge not too long ago:nod: And the other food and containers she ate.....:grrr: But......she's stil off

Vet visit was done. All fine


New member
My Dexter was 13 and he started slowing down more at age 11. I could tell at that age that he was getting tired but he still had a puppy in that old body. He would sleep a lot more and be pretty stubborn about moving if he didn't want to do something. He still loved to go for his little walks and find and eat his hidden apples. Seniors are so completely wonderful...little things make them so happy...but we did go through the pee peeing on the kitchen floor and wearing a pee pee pad when he slept at night. But over all he was a happy boy. Eye sight started to fail towards the end and hearing also...after my group is all gone I will definetly go for a senior rescue...good luck to you and your wonderful girl...


New member
Gracie is slowing down a lot like Daria too. She's 11 yrs. 4and half months. Still has little spurts of energy, especially when a walk or car ride are in the plans. But she sleeps so much and her appetite isn't what it used to be (but maybe it's my menu). She has lost 8 lbs since May, but her checkup last week revealed nothing untoward. Just getting old. (my own mom is in her 91st year & my sister was concerned that she spends so much time in front of the tv...the doctor said not to worry, perfectly normal....must add she also walks at least 3 miles every day). So Daria, Gracie and Mom are just slowing down. Bittersweet to see, but it's life changes, I guess.:hugs:


New member
My vet told told me something very wise about Daisy, who will b 9 in October, "as long as she eats and toilets, and likes to do the same things...Do not worry". Expect her to conserve her as long as you can...she will let you know hen it it time for her to go.....