Dog training book?


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I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite dog training book. :book: When we got our first two TM puppies, we read "Dog Talk" and it worked for us for TM's. I would like to read a training book as a refresher before we bring home a newf pup. Any recommendations? (we also do obedience classes, but I like reading a training book before we bring a pup home)



New member
I have a few favorites...

The Other End of the Leash by Patricia McConnell (Great insight into the brain of a dog also discusses compassionate training methods)

The Newfoundland Puppy: Early Care, Early Training by Judi Adler (A MUST READ in my opinion :)

Outwitting Dogs by Terry Ryan and Kirsten Mortensen (structured around solving common behavioral problems)

The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson (I hate the author's tone and writing style. Also, the lack of organization in the book is annoying, but there are some excellent ideas in this book that made it extremely worthwhile to me. Since I had been warned in advance about the author I just ignore the writing and focused on the little jewels buried in the book. I really disagree with the lemon brain part :lol: )

I don't think I agreed with any of these books 100%, but I just took what rang true to me and left the rest behind.

I'm interested to hear what books others like. I'm always looking for something new to read that might benefit my Newfs and our relationship.


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I have 3 favorites that I just got!! It's a 3 part series. The books are called Steppin Up to Success by Terri Arnold. Bella and I are on the 3rd book now which is training for open and utility. It's all about making training fun and positive and taking it in small steps so your dog really understands the training. They are more geared towards competition obedience, but have lots of great tips for motivating your dog and having fun training with them. I highly recommend them!!


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Judi Adler's book as mentioned above is great for training. It is directed toward the newf owner of course, but the training would work for any breed.


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I have 3 favorites that I just got!! It's a 3 part series. The books are called Steppin Up to Success by Terri Arnold. Bella and I are on the 3rd book now which is training for open and utility. It's all about making training fun and positive and taking it in small steps so your dog really understands the training. They are more geared towards competition obedience, but have lots of great tips for motivating your dog and having fun training with them. I highly recommend them!!
Thanks for the recommendation! This sounds like exactly what Katie and I need. I bit the $100 bullet and ordered the set yesterday. I can't wait to start reading and applying some new ideas to our training.


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Haha yep!!! They are worth the money for sure! You'll notice a few Berners in the demo pictures and a newf as well. She works with a lot of non-typical obedience dogs so there is a lot of focus on motivating your dog and keeping them happy and excited to be training and showing. We're starting some private lessons to work on some of the things in open we're struggling with and the woman who's teaching us has titled 5 Berners to their UD or UDX and she highly recommended these books to me!

R Taft

Active member
I am going to see if i can get those books here in Australia, maybe via
I also like a book called The Dog Wisperer by John Richardson & Leslye Sharon Cole.
It really explains the "pack" and why they do certain things. It has really helped me with our adult rescues.


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I've always been a reader and went a bit crazy reading anything and everything on training before I got Tug. The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson is great. Also, Turid Rugaas has a bunch of short readers which are very clear and easy to follow - My dog pulls. What do I do? Calming Signals: What your dog tells you and Barking The Sound of a Language.
Click for Joy is also a great guide. Good luck!


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I am LOVING the Steppin Up books that Katie mentioned above. I saw a huge increase in my Newf Katie's excitement about training right away.


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My favorites are Culture Clash, Don't Shoot the Dog, Clicker Training and Clicker Training for Obedience. I have had great success with clicker training with all three of our dogs.


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Some others:
Family Friendly Dog Trainining: A Six Week Program for You and Your Dog by Patricia McConnell & Aimee Moore
Control Unleashed: Creating a Focused and Confident Dog by Leslie McDevitt
Success is in the Proofing: A Guide for Creative and Effective Training by Quigley & Ramsey
When Pigs Fly: Training Success With Impossible Dogs by Jane Killion


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They are having a 10% off sale for Labor Day Weekend. Use the code "labor" at checkout. I recently bought the three book set of Steppin' Up to Success which is totally fabulous (recommended by KatieB above). They cost $100 for the set so this would bring the cost down to $90. They are so worth it!!!!


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I'm glad you are enjoying the books Charity!! I think they're great also...really helping me keep Bella motivated and having fun which is the whole point :)