Dangerous Leash Tugging


New member
I found out why Aika was biting and tugging at the leash. I realized she always tugged and fought me in the same spot in our community. So I took her for a walk and brought a toy with me. At the very spot when I saw she was going into that state of mind I made her sit and offered her the toy. She quickly took it and walked with me the rest of the way, with a few sits and stays for focus along the way. Once we moved away from the area which seems to scare her she dropped the toy and wanted to play rather than walk, that was an easy fix with the prong collar on her and lots of praise. Aika always needs to hold a toy in her mouth when she is feeling insecure, scared or just needs some self control. So the fact that she grabbed the toy at the very spot where she always tantrums, proves to me she needed that comfort to make her walk without biting the leash.