Creeping Dandruff


Inactive Member
Creeping Dandruff

Does anyone have any help with curing this problem other than using the vets services?
I much prefer natural remedies for any problem if I can get them.



Super Moderator
Omega fatt acids. You can add salmon or mackeral to your dog's diet to help with this. Olive oil is also good.

Conchshell Newfoundlands

Inactive Member
I second adding the salmon or mackeral, also I use fish oil suopplement pills, vitamin e supplement pills, and mix wheatgerm oil in with the feed.
I want to ask you about your shampoo, bathing, topical coat preparations?
Those can be a likely culpret, too.


Inactive Member
Thanks Jean and Mickey will try try these.
Mickey, I haven`t used any preparations at all, I prefer natural feeding and general good health to show the shine on their coats.
I have slipped up this time as I had a very beloved dog die suddenly and nastily of `Heamangiosarcoma`. This was after only ever feeding fresh foods for years. It floored me so much that for a while I`ve said `Sod it` and fed dried food, but having had more vet visits, lost more dogs to cancer, and skin problems that we`ve never known before (hence the creeping dandruff is the last straw.)I`m no going back to the natural feeding again.
Shampoo is a Canine Tea Tree Oil shampoo. He needs a bath but our weather is against it at the moment, as soon as we have a dry day baths will be given all round!
I hadn`t started on the Cod Liver Oil caps yet, I have them and some Vit. E caps. we have got pure Wheatgerm that I use for ourselves that can go in their food. At the present the only additive is live fresh Yoghurt, but will start on the others in the morning.



Super Moderator
Is 'creeping dandruff' the same as 'walking dandruff'?
If so, I was under the impression it was caused by a mite????????


New member
Try something different than tea tree oil shampoo.

See if you can find some rosemary and peppermint, or Chammomile shampoo.

Ditto on the fish oils. But also...have you check for allergies?

Sprinkling some kelp on the food really help us out. We did it for about a month and half.
