Corrected Gaiting Newf


New member

this photo underneath was taken so you could see the way the lines in the glass go, kinda try to think of it as the hair.

i think the head is much better to, i did the line different on this one, and let me know if you notice that the head is not as small, this is the same pattern, but different cuts....head is same size as on the other one.


New member
I think the hindquarters are too.... lemme see.... plump? :D Head looks nice, snout should maybe be a big longer, but then, it's hard to tell from photos!



New member
LOL i noticed that to, will correct it, looked nice on the stencil dang it! LOL
how odd!
thanx lizzie, and sorry for posting in the wrong spot....


New member
How about the tail? It looks too thick at the base? Tip looks ok I think.
I think these newfers are looking great, you've improved so much since that first one!!



New member
if you are online i just did a new sketch need to send to you for final approval, i really dont see any way to make the butt cheek thinner, becouse of the rear leg extension.
but i did angulate the front of the rear leg, and added an elbow to the front leg that is bent, i need you to let me know what you think. i will scan it now and send, thanx!


New member
Is this one better, it is a work in progress so nevermind the sodder or ink on the black or the sodder lines even, i need to finish it up today, Lizzie? what do you think?
is this the FINAL pattern??? LOL
the head is fine, it is the angle of the shot, it apears to be a bit off in the dome but it is not.
let me know ok guys? BTW i surely appreciate all the tips you are giving me!


New member
Thanx guys
i will be working on the black next, *wheeeew*
i just did the pattern the only difference is there wont be the seperation of color in the mid section.
no line there going across either.


New member
Wow, Christine, I am really impressed! You have really jumped in with both feet and your newfys look great! You get an A :D .
Brenda and Maggie


New member
Those are wonderful. I know what I am going to ask hubby for at Christmas. You have caught on to this really quickly. Way to go!!!


New member
Ok guys once again i would like to know what you think
the black i will be using is not see thru, instead it is solid black, i want to do them with this, it has a wave to it.
the other glass in black is either to light, or no textures to it whatsoever, so what would you prefer if you were to get a LARGE gaiting newf?
i am going to work on one hopefully today! arrggggg


New member
hey Sar, I think this last one is Just Right
. First chance I've had to look at your work, and I have to say this last one is the one!!! Beautiful work!


New member
Thank you Mollysmom! i like that one to! john a good frined of mine came over yesterday, he used to do a lot of stained glass, he said wow, he cannot believe how good i am doing *blush*
he said my lines are nice and clean,.
i had a problem with that one, there is a weakness in it, so today i plan on running a wire along the back, they said that will help to strengthen it.
so here i go agai, and if that doesnt work, i am going to double up on the copper wire on that one piece.

thanx for the encouragement!