Clippers (again)


New member
We've gone through a few clippers with the last being a Oster Classic 76. At this point my wife is seriously considering a set sheep shears.

I don't think they would really work that well for some of the fine trim work though....

Could a few of y'all list what you use?


Super Moderator
In my grooming shop I use the Double K 401 clippers. You don't need clippers on a newf unless you plan to tunnel the belly. As Angela said you are better off using Mars Coat King (18 blade double wide) and thinning shears. You can get the MCK at


New member
I have a similar device to the Coat King. We've found that trimming down Bonnies neck and chest lets the excess drinking water flow off her easier. That way the water doesn't tend to end up on the ceiling in the volume it had before she was trimmed, when she shakes her head after drinking. (Bearing in mind she MUST be around someone first.)

After watching some more videos the thinning and curved sheers are a must. However an electric clipper set would be useful for sanitary trimimg.


New member
I use the clipper on belly and inside back legs and pants/potty area. Mine are horse clippers, we went through a couple pair of dog clippers first...