blue buffalo wilderness dog food


New member
was wondering if anyone has had issues with feeding there newf blue buffalo wilderness puppy food and also there large breed adult food . is this a good brand to feed your newf .


New member
What does your breeder recommend? The general practice here is not to feed a Newf puppy food but to go for an all-life-stages food. There are many, many threads in this forum that discuss the whys and the levels of protein and the calcium/phosphorus ratio needed for a pup - definitely do some reading.

Also, right now today I would not choose a BB product if I was not already feeding it, due to this: IMO the company's reaction is underwhelming and I hope that they come around and treat it more seriously in the days/weeks to come...but it would not be my choice for a new pup today.

Good luck and do you have your pup yet? How old?