Search results

  1. macdbrud


    After much waiting and searching, Miss Ceilidh (pronounced "kay lee") has now arrived in her new forever home. A rescue from SOS QC ON Dog Rescue, she completed her journey last night from Quebec to Brampton, and is now home safe and sound in Sudbury. She is about 7 weeks old, Mommy was a Lab...
  2. macdbrud

    Weather has been Great in Sudbury

    The Weather has been great in Sudbury lately, very strange for this time of year. But, Abby and her Brother have been able to spend some quality time with the old man lately.
  3. macdbrud

    How Long

    So, as a newbie here, I just have to ask. Those of you that have been fortunate enough to rescue your Newfs, how long did it take to find "the one"? We have Abby, our Newf / Lab Mix, and Garson ( a little 12 pound mix), but, now that we have made a decision to adopt a full size full blown Newf...
  4. macdbrud

    A little Poem

    Hot sure who wrote this, but have had it for awhile now. This has probably been posted before, and if so, apologize. Just thought you all might like to have a nice read. Just My Dog She’s just my dog. She is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above...
  5. macdbrud

    Howdy from Sudbury, Ontario

    Howdy Folks, Just a Newbie from Sudbury with a Newf / Lab mix joining your ranks, and interested in all of your amazing Newf stories and pictures. My girl is Abby, weighed in this week at 99 pounds, born 11/11/2006. I call her my lifesaver (Long Story), but needless to say we are bonded...