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  1. msumner

    Happy Halloween 2009!

    I . . . "E-HAT" - MY MOM! Yeah . . .Yeah . . . Hallowen . .. Oooh . . . scary. I'm a scary damn flower. . . . . Are those kids eating some'n?
  2. msumner

    Yakety yak . . . The yak butts back!

    Take out the papers and the TRASH . . . YAH - Your Yak Butt looks like ASH . . . :icon_bb: Pick Up Those papers off the floor . . . :music: Don't want to see any YAK-BUTT here NO MORE :music: Do You have a PIC of your girl's (or Boy's) HINEY Walking away? GOOD? BAD? I DON'T CARE. Please...
  3. msumner

    Omg! Help{ please! - skunk spray unbearable in the house!

    STorm came in carrying a Skunk - and had already carried in her babies and put them in the front hall closet - When I saw her with the fianl Deosit (the mama) I yelled what the HELL ARE YOU DOING??? I ran over only to have the skunk let out the most fowl smell . . nothing like when you are...
  4. msumner

    Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

    "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" Video this time - - - no pics.
  5. msumner

    On A Day This Hot . . . You Need Ice Cream~

    Mama's STRAWBERRY Ice Cream! Mama's STRAWBERRY Ice Cream! I sent these to Cindy in Canada & thought I would just post them for fun! Stay COOL! :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:
  6. msumner

    CC SILK SPIRITS : Has anyone used this product?

    If so, will you share your thoughts before I buy? I have not really been thrilled with the CC Shampoos, or the Black on Black (would rather have her shiny with red tips). However, I love the utensils, and for conditioner when Storm is dry from the summer sun; I like the "Ice on Ice"...
  7. msumner

    To Express or NOT To Express . . .

    To "Express" or NOT To "Express" . . . A delicate subject - sorry. One groomer says, "ABSOLUTELY" while another says "NO WAY EVER"! A little help?
  8. msumner

    Good NEWF groomer in Southern Calif?

    Anyone knowing of a "NEWF" groomer in Orange County, Ca. - Could you post their name and location? Thanks,
  9. msumner

    new av.

    updating to new age. checking here
  10. msumner

    Question For Rescues

    I wanted to ask if Rescue organizations get their food donated, or if they have to buy it the same as anyone else? What about wormers and vaccines? I was just curious if the donations made to these rescues were not adequate to cover medical help when needed, for what else they might be used? If...
  11. msumner

    Look what I found on CRAIG'S LIST

    Seeing all of the scouring that is done on Craig's list; it dawned on me that I may not be doing my part. I have never looked on Craig's list here, not once. This is what I found it's brilliant!:nod:
  12. msumner

    RE: NNer in DIRE NEED . . . I'm home

    RE: NNer in DIRE NEED . . . I'm home I'm here. I'm back. I'm fine. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence from those who gave it. For others, please take a lesson, and never jump on the bandwagon unless you know the facts...gossip, even from a family just that gossip....and...
  13. msumner

    Help!!!! ANYONE WITH EXPERIENCE . . . or IDEA ???

    The Tyrant eats RAW. Well . . . she is supposed to eat raw . . . but has lately; taken to grabbing any and every- thing she can clamp her JAWS ON - TO. She always seems LEAN; even at 115 lbs.; despite the fact that she exercises VERY minimally. Short bursts; but nothing for the long haul...
  14. msumner


    The Tyrant eats RAW. Well . . . she is supposed to eat raw . . . but has lately; taken to grabbing any and every- thing she can clamp her JAWS ON - TO. She always seems LEAN; even at 115 lbs.; despite the fact that she exercises VERY minimally. Short bursts; but nothing for the long haul...
  15. msumner

    Does anyone have a newf that surfs ?

    It is winter; and as of Labor Day; we have taken back the BEACH as we do each year when the tourists have finally all dispersed. Our dogs no longer have to be leashed; or honor summer time constraints where they are not allowed to be seen during daylight hours til; after 6:30 pm; or before...
  16. msumner

    Testing Storm's Santa hat from Paula

    She is so gracious and kind. Thank you Paula; now I have a Santa Hat; if this works!! fingers crossed.
  17. msumner

    It worked!!!

    HAZA! I am a "real" member! Kinda sorta. Thanks again!:groovy::groovy::groovy:
  18. msumner


    Why can't I make an Avatar? There is nowhere in my profile that says, "Avatar". "I don't get it" (stolen from Movie: "BIG") I feel strange posting with no identity. <a href="" target="_blank" title="Add Glitter to...
  19. msumner

    THANKS ANYWAY (0 responses)

    I found the info on Estrus I was looking for in "Newfoundlands By Joanna Kosloff, Tana Hakanson" Grateful for the insight they offered. Michelle
  20. msumner

    What age (approx) does a female Newf come in season?

    Can anyone give me an idea of when to expect my girl (10 months) to come into heat? We are having "will" issues; and want to be ahead of the local coyotes who howl outside. Are there any behaviours to warn me of the onset? Thank you for any help in advance; Michelle