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  1. elizabethquandt


    Hi everyone...haven't been on this site for 10000 years, but I came back to find old photos after my computer crashed, and figured I'd put up photos of our new dog Onslow. We got him in August...same breeder that Hamish came from. He'll be a year old on the 29th of this month. He is certainly...
  2. elizabethquandt

    Hamish: 7/14/02-11/30/11

    Hamish died Wednesday morning at the age of 9 of a sudden, completely unexpected heart failure. No prior signs whatsoever of anything wrong. It feels completely surreal to be posting here, he was healthy and rambunctious to the last. This is completely devastating--my life pretty much revolved...
  3. elizabethquandt

    More wolf photos

    I know people liked my wolf park photos, so here are the latest ones (and I figured out how to resize them!): Luna moth we found Dharma Wotan Eclipse
  4. elizabethquandt

    Wolf Park Photos II

    More photos from Wolf Park (I am there as a practicum): (sorry for the HUGE file size. I tried resizing them but it doesn't seem to have worked) Erin Ruedi, my favorite Ember Dharma Kiri (yawning): the park's oldest wolf at 18; he is going strong and almost always up looking for...
  5. elizabethquandt

    Wolf Park

    I began my internship at Wolf Park in Indiana about two weeks ago. It's been great--it is especially best when I get to walk alone around the enclosures at evening and watch the animals. It is a real thrill to walk the enclosures and have the wolves follow/show interest in you. I have been...
  6. elizabethquandt


    Warm weather finally arrived--and along with it lots and lots of puddles. Though Hamish loves cold weather, he definitely showed excitement for the changing of the seasons...thousands of new smells, and most importantly, the chipmunks are out again, so he gets to chase/dig up their burrows.
  7. elizabethquandt

    December photos

    Here's some more Hamish photos (they're so hard to get when we're in the woods because he runs ahead, so I can generally only get shots of his derriere!) I got to meet some Newfs a few days ago, owned by a friend of my grandmas's; though I'd share the photos. They are from the same kennel...
  8. elizabethquandt

    Merry Christmas!

    Haven't taken many photos in a while...I finally brought the camera out since the dogs (and the woods) always seem to look best in winter: My cousin's dog is staying over (Hamish just ignores him): I'll be taking more throughout the week. Happy holidays in advance!
  9. elizabethquandt

    Something different...

    I'm back in school now so there won't be many Hamish photos for a while, but for now I've decided to share a few videos I've taken of the dogs over the summer. They're not very exciting videos, but I was hoping to make the dogs come "more alive" to everyone here through video...
  10. elizabethquandt

    Extremely Confused...

    I would like to enter this into this contest: ...and the one requirement that has me really confused is that the photo must be at 300 dpi. This of course led to a further bewildering internet search on what dpi is and how to change it...I have the photo...
  11. elizabethquandt

    Yesterday's Antics

    Some photos from the weekend; my cousin's mini Schnauzer came to stay with us for the weekend and it was an interesting experience taking care of a dog that is smaller than any of the cats I've ever owned--doesn't happen often around here :) He is surprisingly calm for a small dog that is only...
  12. elizabethquandt

    July Photos

    I finally recharged some batteries for my camera, and of course on one of the few days we've had this July when the sun wasn't out :sunflower: Not great at all for taking pictures, but I had fun capturing Hamish & friends again. Waiting to go for a ride to the park (the woods are so buggy now...
  13. elizabethquandt

    Happy Birthday!

    It's Hamish's 8th birthday today--he's still in superb health and looks/acts more like he's 4. The benefits of running around with Labs all these years! Happy Birthday, buddy :)
  14. elizabethquandt

    Spring Photos

    The first photos of this spring... Checking out a scent on the tree Digging I'm always amazed by how lush the plant growth is here (east-central NY), especially now after spending over half the year in the Adirondacks, where it's mostly conifers and bogs :) Lots of...
  15. elizabethquandt

    Another Bird Cam Managed to come across this a few days ago, and now I am getting no work done because of it :P
  16. elizabethquandt

    Vernal Pools

    The snow has melted in the Adirondacks and the vernal pools have formed--the last two nights I went out with some friends along a road that runs along my school to see the big amphibian migrations. Wood frogs, spotted salamanders, and spring peepers were all out in the 100's; they are a truly...
  17. elizabethquandt

    January Photos

    Some photos of Hamish & friends from this past week: Waiting for treats... Some new snow Enjoying a marrow bone after a long day The next day, after a long afternoon walk Anyone in the mood for some deer scat? There's something in the tree...
  18. elizabethquandt

    New Photos

    Photos from my week back at home. He doesn't usually sleep here, but I guess he objected to the fact that his old bed was being washed. We got him a new bed, but he won't sleep on it. I'll have more photos in about 2 weeks! I'm on vacation from Dec. 17 through the...
  19. elizabethquandt

    More Photos Unearthed

    Finally got some working batteries from my camera and found old photos from the summer. None of them are very good, but I know some people like to see Hamish so I'm posting them anyway.
  20. elizabethquandt

    Sunset on the Lake

    Thought I'd share. This is the view outside my dorm, and the sky looked particularly impressive that night; these are some of the best photos my camera has taken in a while (my camera is from 2006, which probably makes it practically obsolete already! It's big and clunky :D)...this is Upstate...