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  1. O

    Non-newf--Bernese Mountain Dog Q

    I know some of you have experience with both breeds, so I thought I might get some help here. My mother-in-law is seriously considering getting a Bernese Mountain Dog, seriously enough that she has asked us to poke around for breeders for her since we just went through the process with Newfs...
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    Poor dog social skills?

    Even though Ajax has never, ever shown any dog aggression, and loves other dogs, I have noticed in the last couple of months (he's 11 months) that any time he meets a new dog, it almost always (9 out of 10 times) ends in him being snarled and snapped at. He *never* growls, snarls or snaps...he...
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    Swollen eyelid

    My husband noticed this evening that Ajax's left upper eyelid and around the outside corner of the eye is swollen. I'm not overly concerned... I'll call the vet on Mon. if it isn't gone by then. It sort of looks like my eye did when I had a sty, so it might just be that, or maybe a bug bite...
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    Post-neuter pain

    Hi guys, I'm in for a stressful night. Ajax was neutered yesterday morning. He had one undescended testicle, but they got it out just fine. They kept him over last night, and sent him home this morning. He seemed sore and a little tired when we got him at 10, but since then he has not improved...
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    Neutering nerves

    Ajax (nine months) is getting neutered one week tomorrow. I'm very nervous. His vet is very good, but the surgery is a little more invasive because one of his testicles never descended (all the more reason it has to be done...I understand that can become cancerous). The vet says the undescended...
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    Ajax went to college today

    At the request of my students, I brought Ajax (and my husband) to my freshman English class today (I had to sneak Ajax in). It was a hoot! Actually, he was extremely good, except for one we were going in, two of my male students were chatting in the hallway very close to where we came...
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    Mild possessive aggression with cat

    Ajax and Hero (our cat) have been getting along better and better, and now they are great playmates. Lately, he has been more possesive around her, though he still plays with her happily otherwise. First, he made it known that he didn't like her near his food bowl (even when it's empty). Fine...
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    Deeper bond

    Maybe this is silly to post, but at the same time, maybe it's the most important thing. Ajax is 7 months old, and over the last 3 weeks, our relationship has changed a lot. He has changed...he's become much more affectionate, playful and loving. I have changed too. I never become angry and...
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    Intermediate class

    Ajax graduated puppy class last week, and had his first day of Junior High (or intermediate dog class) tonight, and just like human junior high, it was a little scary for all of us, 'cause a lot more was expected of him, and the dogs were not as nice. He got through it like a pro! And had a...
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    Totally OT, mystery animal

    I know this is completely off topic, but I'm still befuddled. After a fantastic day in the park with Ajax, we were driving in our neighborhood, and everyone there was walking dogs since it was such a nice day. I see a young woman walking a funny looking dog on a leash, and I'm trying to figure...
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    Tips wanted...Guard dog behavior

    Oddly enough, considering his social-butterfly personality, Ajax is becoming something of a guard dog. This occurs most frequently when I take him out late on Friday or Saturday nights, when there is rowdy foot traffic by our house to and from two popular local bars, though it has occured in...
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    My boy did me proud!

    For beginners dog class we've been working on long line recalls for homework, but not in class. Ajax is kind of good at it in a distraction free environment. But when the teacher said tonight that we were all going to do a recall, one at a time while the rest of the class watched and critiqued...
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    Bad behavior...pretty funny

    I thought you would all like this...We were up in Toronto last weekend and were taking Ajax for his late night walk. On the walk we encountered a group of three high school students who were *cough* shall we say, not in their proper state of mind. Ajax of course did his civic duty by spilling...
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    Prong (pinch) collar

    Just to let you folks know, today Ajax (6 mos.) got his very first prong collar on the advice of both his trainer and another trainer we meet in the park. What a difference! I wouldn't recommend them for everybody or every dog, but it was like a miracle for us. Last week at dog class, he was...
  15. O class tip

    Hi guys, This is mostly for those of you with older puppies...I thought I should share. Ajax went to his first day of school last week, but dog school was... :eek: -upstairs-. He would not go. No way. Anyway, the trainer tells my husband to carry him halfway up the stairs and set him down in...
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    That darned clump of hair

    Hi guys, I know I'm about up to a question night now, but... Ajax has a clump of long soft brownish fur in the area between his genitals and anus. I cut a mat out of it yesterday, I cut another mat out today (fortunately, neither mat was close to the skin). If you blink, it mats. I have been...
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    Castration anxiety (anesthesia)

    Hi, We're going to have Ajax neutered *relatively* soon (3-4 months if no male related behavior problems crop up, much sooner if they do). However, I read in Judi Adler's puppy book that Newfs are very sensitive to anesthesia and that it can be dangerous in high doses...they should be put under...
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    Stick carrying

    This must be a breed characteristic...I'm curious if anyone else has a dog like this. When we go for walks, Ajax always likes to carry a stick in his mouth the *whole* time. He's always so proud of it, too. We have been encouraging, rather than discouraging, this behavior because it distracts...
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    First sighting: Newf (and toddler)

    We saw our first Newf since getting Ajax the other day! We were pulling into the park where we take him, and saw a family with a beautiful 4 year old newfie lady. I parked the car, and in my excitement, yelled to my husband to grab the dog and run! I ran after them waving and flagging them down...
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    Dog songs

    The Monks of New Skete say that every dog has a song. Ajax now has two now. My suggestion is that everyone embarrass themselves by revealing their dog songs, and I'll start. Ajax's first song was: "You're our magical monster, our mythical beast, a magical monster a mythical beast a magical...