Search results

  1. K

    flea control question

    Has anyone used Comfortis? If so, any side effects? I have read some unnerving info about Comfortis and high dose ivermectin, and since I use ivermectin for a monthly heartworm preventive I want to get more info. We stopped using topicals more than a year ago because my Cleo developed an...
  2. K


    I know it's been a long time since I logged on, but I wanted to tell you all that Cleopatra, Queen of Denial crossed the bridge Monday morning at 8:40. She was only 4 and 1/2 years old. She developed bloat and passed while getting diagnostic x-rays. Casper, her pyr brother, didn't even want to...
  3. K

    FAD in dogs

    My Cleo is suffering terribly from Flea Allergic Dermatitis, worse this year than previously. I am not a proponent of chemicals if they can be avoided, but am now out of ideas and would like suggestions if anyone has any. We had used Frontline in the past against my better judgement, but...
  4. K

    american bullie treats and bleach

    I was sent this today by a local rescue regarding American Bullie dipping their treats in bleach, after already being found to contain salmonella, fyi. kelly
  5. K

    my foster

    My beautiful St Bernard foster was adopted today! He has a wonderful new home with a young couple in middle Georgia, and I know they will love him as much as I do.
  6. K

    dog fight :-(

    Thursday my pyr, Casper, "found" a sausage biscuit on the edge of the counter left behind by a visitor (we know better). My foster St Bernard came up to sniff and investigate, Casper growled and snapped and the fight was on. By the time we were able to separate them, Casper had a huge hole in...
  7. K

    news of a former skier ;-)

    The famous Olympic skier Picabo Street (pronounced Peek-A-Boo) is not just an athlete.... She is now a nurse currently working at the Intensive Care Unit of a large metropolitan hospital. She is not permitted to answer the hospital telephones. It caused too much confusion when she would answer...
  8. K

    itchy question

    Today at my local health food co-op, I bought a homeopathic rememdy for bug bites. Is it safe to try a little on the dogs too? All 3 of them are itchy still, even with their monthly Frontline application and after bathing with a skin soothing shampoo. I am wondering if the terrible mosqitoes...
  9. K


    A young monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the church by hand. He notices, however, that all of the monks are copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head abbot to question...
  10. K

    bear story

    Have y'all seen this yet??
  11. K

    my noisy girl

    I brought home a rescue pyr late last night who I will be transporting to N Georgia. She may be with me a couple of days before I can get her to the farm. In the meantime she is bringing out the WORST in Cleopatra. I can hardly leave the room without much wailing and gnashing of teeth! Right...
  12. K

    3 thoughts...

    THREE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT: 1. COWS 2. THE CONSTITUTION 3. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington...
  13. K

    midlife crisis?

    Well, it's not a midlife crisis, but here's how things worked out for me. Married 40 years, I took a look at my wife one day and said, "Honey, 40 years ago, we rented in cheap double home, had a cheap car, slept on a matress on the floor and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to...
  14. K

    noah and the ark - 2nd edition

    In the year 2006 , the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in the United States, and said, "Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans."...
  15. K

    I am sending...

    8 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts since I am unable to go now :( But I need someone to pick them up for me if possible. I have ordered and paid for them to be made Friday morning and picked up at the Krispy Kreme at 53rd and Elmore, not far from the hotels on Brady street. Any volunteers?? I...
  16. K

    Cleo update

    We just returned from yet another visit to the vet and having xrays - but we have good news! Cleo does NOT have a torn ACL, but he said the joint is badly bruised and still very swollen after 3 weeks. He also xrayed her hips -he thought she walked funny (duh, she has a hurt knee :rolleyes...
  17. K

    extracapsular repair

    Does anyone know anything about this procedure? This is one of the things the vet discussed with us last night for Cleo. She said she has used it successfully for dogs up to 150 lbs, Cleo is 80 lbs. Help??!!!
  18. K

    nsaid alternatives

    Ok - in one of these threads I saw some info on bromelain and arnica. I bought both of these this afternoon for Cleo since her knee is still problematic after 3 weeks. The dosage on the bromelain is pretty clear - I assume it's safe to use the same with the dogs since it's an enzyme. But how...
  19. K

    this dog...

    Is listed as a pyr mix. I don't have any experience with landseers personally, but I think she looks a little like one. What do you guys think? Does anyone know if SENC will take in a mix? duh, it helps if I actually add the link...
  20. K

    holey moley!

    The girl who owns my neighborhood pet store where I buy dog food informed me today that my food is going up 22% next week! I use Timberwolf, and it already costs enough - 22% is going to jack it up to $57 for a 33lb bag. And a 33lb bag lasts me 12 days to be exact - in the winter it only lasts...