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  1. Sue M.

    We Lost Zeussie tonight.

    I can't really go into details at this moment as I'm so totally heart broken. We lost Zeussie tonight. He had a heart attack. I'm so utterly shocked and blown away at this moment that I can't hardly breath. Please say some prayers for my Zeus and and us.
  2. Sue M.

    The Sub-divide... Jakie's Clone

    It's been a rough few days with the loss of two of my loved ones but we are doing okay. I wanted to share this about the last couple of days. Yesterday, I had a returning client but this was the first time she brought this particular dog. The dog is her senior boy and he is a golden/collie/GS...
  3. Sue M.

    Koda: aka Bubba and Sassy Cass

    I'm writing this now to inform those who know us. I'll post a more detailed, appropriate dedication to my beloved family later as my heart is really hurting at this moment. At 9:30 am this morning, Terry and I said our last good byes to our beloved Koda and Cass. It was time to let them go...
  4. Sue M.

    Good thoughts and prayers needed.

    Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts. We may just have to have 2 of our newfs put down tomorrow. Cassie is 12 now and has been getting really senile. We have been discussing putting her to rest. We also have our Koda who has bad hips and hyper-extended hind hocks. We adopted Koda when he...
  5. Sue M.

    Honoring Sawyer

    In honor of Sawyer, I decided never to trim my Molly's floof. I don't think any dog had a more notorious floof as Sawyer but Molly's is getting there. The pics aren't the greatest but they do show off the floof!!!! And here is Molly telling Brewski: "Get outta here Bruhaha...
  6. Sue M.

    Too Cute Not To Share...

    Took some Christmas pics of Zeus and Brewski. They are just too cute not to share.
  7. Sue M.

    Some Prayers Needed

    Hi all, It's been a long time since I posted here. I've been experiencing a number of problems that I don't really want to go into but I just recently, within the last 2 months, have been experiencing some new problems. I started seeing double about 2 months ago. I had blood tests done to...
  8. Sue M.

    Prayers For Ina

    How about everyone sending Ina some good thoughts and prayers as tomorrow morning at 7:00 am, she will be undergoing the knife to rid herself of breast cancer. Posted with Ina's permission: Ina says; Emails are okay but no plants, flowers or cards please. An update to that last email...
  9. Sue M.

    Our Christmas

    All the groomers on this forum have similar situations, I'm sure, your time from the middle of November up to Christmas is the busiest time of the year. People who otherwise bathe their own dogs will often call to have their dogs groomed because it's easier considering their busy schedules in...
  10. Sue M.

    It's Called Christmas

    This was posted last year and I thought it warranted another posting for those who didn't see it or those who want to see it again.
  11. Sue M.

    Thanksgiving Change of Plans

    I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. My Thanksgiving didn't go quite as I had planned. Wednesday I had a number of grooming clients. At around 7:00 pm I was finally done and I came upstairs thinking about what to throw together for dinner. I glanced into the living room and saw a...
  12. Sue M.

    Some thing we can all do...

    The tragedy of Rosie has us all very upset. So many have written letters to the authorities in Des Moines, Washington. Something else we can all do is to send the information on the story and a letter asking for police training in regards to dog situations, or any animal for that matter, to our...
  13. Sue M.

    Just another wild grooming request

    Just thought I'd share this grooming request. The other week, I had a woman call and ask what I would charge to groom her pregnant cocker bitch. Now this is a Friday and I'm thinking she probably has weeks to go yet and I told the woman that it is more of a risk so the price for the groom would...
  14. Sue M.

    Prayers for Tessa

    It's been a long time since I wrote about Tessa, prieviously Dutchess, the newf & pup you all helped to get out of the hands of her bad owner, the one with the demodeptic mange. Things did not work out for Tessa at my agility instructors home so I have had Tessa here with me. Her mange...
  15. Sue M.

    Just For Fun - Groomers Pics

    Just for fun, how about all the groomers, (Or anyone really), posting your best pics of dogs groomed. It doesn't have to be all Newfs but I'm sure there will be a lot of awesome newf pics posted! :) Here are a few of mine: Pretty Miss Katie donning her Mae West look: Rebecca of Sunny...
  16. Sue M.

    NN - A Bad Day for Labs in Pa.

    Well, maybe it's a good day for the Labs since they are being rescued but the number of dogs needing to be placed is overwhelming. I recieved this from my agility instructor. It's a series of emails between people trying to come up with a solution to find homes and foster care for, as of now...
  17. Sue M.

    More Agility Bling and Titles Won

    We attended the second 'Super Sized Agility' trial this past weekend. It was a trial for super sized dogs and tea cup dogs.... from one end of the spectrum to the other! :) Molly recieved her 2nd qualifying standard run which bumped her up to the intermediate class in standard runs. That...
  18. Sue M.

    Stupid Stupid Stupid Clients!!!

    I'm just giving the dog a break right now but I have a Golden Doodle here that is just about one solid mass of mats! The woman seemed to be probably in her early 30's and she had two boys with her that were probably 8 and 10 years of age. She said, "I just don't have time to brush him, with two...
  19. Sue M.

    Welcome Heather

    Hi Heather! :wave: :kgo_057: Welcome to Newf Net. For those of you who followed the thread in Rescue, Heather is the one who picked up the 4 year old Newf from Craig's List so that she wouldn't end up in a bad place. I'm sure you'll like it here Heather. There is a wealth of information...
  20. Sue M.

    Newf/Chow Mix - Lebanon, Pa

    This newf/chow mix is listed in the Lancaster Craig's Listing. He/she? is in Lebanon, Pa.