Search results

  1. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Newf Female at Portage County (OH) APL

    There's a Newf female at the Portage County APL. My friend who's a Vet Tech student met her yesterday and alerted me to her presence. She currently is heartworm positive (hence why she was visiting the vet tech students for medication). Can anyone active in Newf Rescue help out? Contact for...
  2. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Yogi Bear Update

    Hi gang, Yogi took some food last night, about a cup of kibble and a cup of moist (that I keep on hand for emergencies, but usually don't feed them on a regular basis). He was much more interested in the soft than the hard food. He also took about a cup of water (first in several days). This...
  3. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    The morning romp Clearly Sadie and Thor are settling in just fine. I love these moments. I'm the only (human) awake, and this is just a joy to observe!
  4. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Katiebug Dog Shampoos and Cordelia Susan

    If this isn't a sign of a good friendship, both human and canine I don't know what is. I've made a good friend here since moving here in 2006 named Danielle Waskowski. About three years ago or so she launched her own company, Katiebug Products, specializing in all-natural, home-made soaps for...
  5. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Future Plans - Newfs & Pet First Aid Course Work

    Hey gang, I'm an in the middle of some Instructor training for the American Red Cross (and Girl Scouts USA) and I am hoping someday to be certified to also teach Pet First Aid/CPR. If I were interested in having Newfs used for some of the First Aid part of the course (splinting is primarily...
  6. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Cordelia Susan

    Hi Gang, So, after watching & loving my dog for another month, we have decided, today will be the day she goes to heaven. She's just in too much obvious pain. Oh my dear girl. This will be the longest trip we ever make, & I will join you there someday. Soldier on without me for the last few...
  7. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Newf Net Prayers for Cordelia

    Gosh I'm such a stranger these days. Cordelia, my younger Newf, took a fall around New Year's. We didn't see it, but we thought "oh, she'll feel better in a few days and stop limping." Needless to say, the limping has not stopped. We are off to the vet tomorrow for X-rays and who knows...
  8. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    URGENT: All Ohio NN'ers!

    Hi gang, I'm not sure if you are aware but there is a serious statewide ballot initiative to ban dog auctions from Ohio. go to for more information, and please help gather signatures. I believe the deadline is October 1st. The electronic document of the signature...
  9. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Alternative Uses for doggie dryers!

    Well yesterday was a fun messy day, as our hot water heater decided to leak 40+ gallons of water all over my basement. Did you know, in a pinch, a doggie dryer can also dry carpet and drywall? Woo hoo! Best used $13 I ever spent!
  10. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Small growth on Cordelia

    Hi gang, I just discovered a small growth on Cordelia's left hide hip (more on her back than her hip). I won't be able to touch base with my vet until Monday because she's left for the weekend. It reminds me of fatty tumours we've seen in the past in Labradors. Are Newfs equally prone to...
  11. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    NON Newf - Saint Bernard In Stow OH

    Hi all, I've recently been approached by friends. Their neighbor has a 9mo male Saint, who has "separation anxiety" issues. He's continually breaking out of their home, and going over to my friend's home (ha ha). I would LOVE to take him in but we just don't have the funds right now. To the...
  12. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Teddy Bear the Cleveland Clinic Greeter I'm thinking we've seen this before, but just in case....
  13. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    A Belated Birthday Story

    Yikes! Please forgive me everyone at my tardiness in posting this tale of ... well... My daughter turned six last week. We decided to throw her a small birthday party on Sunday Dec 6. So my mom came in the week prior to help with party planning, cake making, etc. This year, no surprise...
  14. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Thanks for the wishes!

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes that you PM'd me with. I appreciate it. I am just going to lie and continue to claim I'm 29 ;-). 35 is too scary ;-)
  15. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    A job!

    Okay it's not much, it pays lousy, but the hours are good. God help me, it's in telemarketing, but it's to ESTABLISHED customers so that at least makes me feel less guilty. I'd not take it if it was cold calling. And there's base plus commission, so I know at least on base it will be enough to...
  16. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    ALF Liver Walk - CLEVELAND Aug 29

    If anyone is interested I'm still trying to up my team total for monies collected for the ALF Liver Walk this August 29, 2009 in Cleveland at the Metroparks Zoo. Just follow this link to get to the details. Thanks for your support, monetary, or just good spirits. We definitely need them in...
  17. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Anxiety ... or maybe not?

    As some of you know last summer in addition to everything that happened, I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. After a very /very/ long year and no meds I finally talked turkey with my General Practitioner. She thinks that the anxiety isn't quite the right leap. We talked about how...
  18. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    New Airwaves option for Pets
  19. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Cordelia - A CH!

    Okay well.... My local library had a kids pet show last night. Cordelia, freshly washed, blown out, and combed (so much combing over the last 2 days my right forearm is /killing/ me) went and sat and enjoyed all the attention from the attendents AND two judges. One of the judges used to have...
  20. Yogi & Cordelia's Erin

    Newf Channel Mommy?

    Charlotte, my adorable 5-and-a-half year old just came up to me ... "Mommy, can we watch Newf Channel?" We've been following links off of here and utilizing YouTube searches lately to watch Newfies in their glory. Do you guys think there'd be a market for such a specialized television program?