Search results

  1. good0dog

    Newf Fun Day (Pic heavy)

    Jax and I were invited to a Newfie Fun Day by Alesia and Jim. Around 100 people and 35+ newfs attended. There were some other breeds that came to the party as well. Jim grilled up hot dogs and hamburgers. People brought food pot luck style. Alesia had several local vendors in leashes, dog...
  2. good0dog

    A near perfect day

    It's snowing here in northern Virginia. Which means everything shuts down because no one can drive in snow :grrr: Luckily it's my normal day off so I hit the gym, ran errands and came home. A quiet drops over the neighborhood as a snow muffles sounds. Now I get to sit by a fire in my comfy...
  3. good0dog

    Uninvited XMas visitor

    I own a 1956 brick house with original steel casement single pane windows in the bedrooms. They don't seal out the drafts anymore. I know this because I have one inches from my sleeping head. Now this doesn't bother me much. I enjoy the cold, fresh air. I can hear nightly visitors to my...
  4. good0dog

    Google +

    I know people are active here and on Facebook, but I just wanted to mention that there is a Newf Community on Google + . It's still just starting out, but it has a nice international diversity. Are there any other Newf commmunities out there?
  5. good0dog


    My photoshop skills are getting a little rusty so I need some practice. :dance01: Does anyone have a newf image that falls from what you originally viewed/envisioned? (too dark, light, etc). Post here & I'll see what I can do. If there are other p'shoppers out there, maybe we can have some...
  6. good0dog

    Coats made from dog hair

    Ran across several images of people and their dogs. The people were wearing coats and sweaters made from their dog's hair. Several images down is a newf and owner. The coat does look warm.