Recent content by Varmint

  1. Varmint

    Non-Newf help

    I need some advice on a "MaltiPoo". Yup! you guessed it, a maltese poodle mix that the owner paid big bucks for. ugggg! Anywho - I work part time as a trainer at petsmart and this dog in class has some serious issues. Before I send the owner to a behaviorists, which I am pretty sure she...
  2. Varmint

    True Friendship

    Are you tired of those "friendship" poems that always sound good, but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no little smiley faces on this card-just the stone cold truth of our great friendship. 1. When...
  3. Varmint

    putting salt in the wound!

    :mad: Many of you know of my friend who was just diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, (BTW - thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts!) guess what happened when she told her employers? 2 days later, they fired her! She has always had good reviews and never any complaints. They gave some...
  4. Varmint

    Mr. Higgins

    He just loves to have that plant tickle his nose. It is so funny!
  5. Varmint

    Did you know.....

    That Mr. Incredible has a sister who is a Colts Chearleader? Please don't look at the messy house. It is not mine! I swear! (my fingers may be crossed though) I was going to get costumes for the dogs, I even set up a pole to see what they should be dressed up as, but...
  6. Varmint

    requesting prayers/good thoughts

    A very good friend of mine just told me that she has been diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. She is going for more tests next week. Cancer runs in her family and the majority of the women on her Mom's side have died of some sort of cancer. She is only 34 years old and has an 11 year old son...
  7. Varmint

    bladder infection

    Cassie, my "newfie wannabe" Mastiff has another bladder infection. I am still waiting for the lab results to find out if there are any crystals, etc. She used to have them all the time before I educated myself on the proper nutrition for dogs. Once I switched to a Hollistic food the...
  8. Varmint

    Prayer request - Update

    About 1 1/2 years ago I posted a prayer request for my cousins little boy, Steven. She and her husband adopted him about 5 years ago knowing that he was a "crack baby". At first all seemed to go okay, there was brain damage but he was a very happy baby/child. He has never crawled, walked or...
  9. Varmint

    Friday the 13th

    Does anyone have any idea why this day is considered a "bad" day. I asked my hubby and I want to see if he is right. So, any idea's out there?
  10. Varmint

    Halloween costumes

    okay - I am going to take the dogs in to work with me on Halloween. (I work at Petsmart) and I've been trying to figure out what costumes to have them wear. Mr. Higgins is a black Newf and Mama Cass is an apricot English Mastiff.
  11. Varmint


    "uh..Dad, don't let go okay?" "I said don't let go, Darn it!" "Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of this!" "That was fun, lets do it again!" "Hey Dad, is it to early for my big brother to go to therapy?"
  12. Varmint

    MPAA confuses me.

    There is a religious movie that was produced/directed/written/acted (you get the point) by a Church. A company associated with Sony has picked up the film for distribution. The movie received a PG rating. Now PG is usually for movies with some profanity, violence and brief nudity. The only...
  13. Varmint

    Any good?

    I don't know anything about camera's or how to take pictures or anything like that. But I have really enjoyed viewing all the pictures on here. I saw this and had to give it a try. Don't even ask me what kind of camera I used, it is my hubby's. I saw this leaf that seemed to be floating in...
  14. Varmint

    More baby pics...

    I'm not a proud Mommy or anything... My kids don't look anything alike do they? This is Danny at 8 months. Catherine is 6 1/2 months in the other pics.
  15. Varmint

    Help - need recipe

    My hubby and I are involved in a program called "guess whose coming to dinner" at our church. Someone hosts a dinner, they provide the main course and then the guests provide everything else. The catch is that no one knows each other. It is a way to meet other people in our community...