Recent content by Rompin

  1. R

    Real quick

    Sorry to waste your time but I am still learning I have another silly question. Can you show a fixed dog? :confused:
  2. R

    Need a trianers opinion!!!

    Ok Im not sure if there is any trianers here but if there are PLEASE HELP. IM trying to become a trianer and Ive just recently found a trianing school where I live. The course's are rather costly I called and I was told that you are tought individully 5 days a week 8-9 hours a day for 4 weeks...
  3. R

    Female dogs pee kills grass

    Has anyone found a way to stop female pee from killing the grass?? Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful. Thanks :confused:
  4. R

    Which color do you prefer

    Which color do you prefer
  5. R

    silly questions

    OK Can you show a dog that you breed? What are some of the concernce with breeding newfs? What are there average litter size? At what age can you cetifiy a bitch/stud for health? What is the proper age for breeding Newfs? Do you belive breeding shortens there life? OH Im sure I can...
  6. R


    Ok Im not a Newf owner just intrested in being one. Where I live the tepertures in the summer can get in the 100s. the winters are cold and the springs and falls are nice. Does that seem to hot for a Newf? of coarse I understand they would need constant freash water,shade, and a doggie door...
  7. R

    Hello from Colorado

    Hello Im really excited about finding this board, there seems to be so much info! Well Im not a Newf owner "yet" But Im very intrested in the breed. I have so many questions and this seems like the write place to come with questions on Newfs. I do however own a 3 year old female German...