Recent content by RetPara

  1. RetPara

    Clippers (again)

    We've gone through a few clippers with the last being a Oster Classic 76. At this point my wife is seriously considering a set sheep shears. I don't think they would really work that well for some of the fine trim work though.... Could a few of y'all list what you use?
  2. RetPara

    Registration of Mixed Breed

    Friends son bought a mixed breed puppy from a shop. Shop owner told son that since both the parents were purebred (not the same breed by a long shot) the puppy could be AKC registered? I'm thinking scam.... has anyone heard of this by the AKC?
  3. RetPara

    Behavior Issue.....

    Bonnie is pushing right at four YO now. We've had her through obedience school. When I get home from work we always have some special time together. She is not alone; but has three other pack mates at home. When either my wife or I are home, together or alone... Bonnie will be a sort of...
  4. RetPara

    WHAT is going on with her?

    Bonnie (3 YO Spayed Female) is starting to chew things. Last month it was my wife's cell phone. Today she chewed up an audio remote..... This is new behavior for her. She took both devices off the same end table. Its not like she doesn't have toys or is alone....
  5. RetPara

    Tax Deduction for Pet Expenses.....

    I don't consider this political... Considering.... The number of dogs in rescue and humane societies have gone through the roof. I watch the numbers of Great Pyrenees on Petfinder and its...
  6. RetPara

    Anyone know someone with a blue VW bug around Ann Arbor?

    After watching District 9 Sunday in PDRA2 I went to pull the car up for the family. As I was stepping off the curb a blue new model VW bug to my right apparently starts in reverse. I'm looking left at the traffic flow when I see it just before the bumper hits my right calf. So I apparently...
  7. RetPara

    Mt Redoubt Erupts

    Folks I'm in contact with near there say its a pretty good ashfall. Should be dawn soon so some pictures may be available in a couple of hours. Mud flow\flood advisories already out.
  8. RetPara

    CDC Looking for....

    anyone who was on Northwest Flight 51 from Frankfurt to Detroit last Tuesday. One passenger is in isolation in Detroit with confirmed TB.
  9. RetPara

    NN (BOLO) Leonberger Escapes from PDRA2

    PDRA2 = Ann Arbor, MI
  10. RetPara

    OT of Newf's but a Rescue Question

    Jackson Cit Pat today listed a 3 year old female Saint Bernard FREE because they 'don't have room for it.' I called the family and got no answer. So I then called the Michigan contact for the SB Rescue for Michigan. The person on the phone was NOT the person listed, but a receptionist at a...
  11. RetPara

    Any of our English members seeing this?

    Killer Virus Grips England Not sure now to The Daily Express against more reliable and valid sources like the 'Weekly World News'.......
  12. RetPara

    Fetch Bonnie!!! No... Over there duf!!!

    Even with her hip and leg problem; Bonnie HAS to go out in the front yard and play fetch with me almost every day. We use a 19in orange, knarled (sp?) retrieval toy. That is what SHE brings back to me... only her.... if we have the Golden Retriever out there and she gets it first, Bonnie...
  13. RetPara

    Marines retire another good man... eh dog....

    We have close bonds with our dogs.... scout dog/sentry dog/EOD dog handlers are closer to the pooches than anyone..... I have a couple of pictures from IZ & AF I will add when I get home tonight...... From: (text is cut+paste, there are...
  14. RetPara

    Went to the ER this morning....

    Twisted my knee walking into work (at the VA Hospital). So I hobbled into the ER which is around the corner from my office... As part of the in-take process they ask you if you are afraid of anyone at home... I said ' Yes, Ive been married over 25 years and my wife terrifies me." The Nurse...
  15. RetPara

    Unknown Halloween Hazard

    You have to consider they just hang around on the stoop, steps, or porch. This can lead to binge drinking with the following result. Please ensure your area is policed up before the children arrive. This has been a public service announcement. Have a safe and fun Halloween....