Recent content by NewfsAlaska

  1. N

    Our Playdate Story

    Eja and I found another newf around the corner from us...Her name is Jasmine and she is 8 years old. We brought them together and of course Eja was just jumping on her trying to get her to play and she was having a good time but kept sort of growling at him ....not in a mean way...her owner was...
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    sorry for this topic folks

    hate to bring this one up but I need some help...since day one with Eja he was eating his stools...this was quite an ordeal...he would poop in the back of the car and by the time I stopped to go clean it as I was dying from the stench he had eaten it...How sick..!!!! But a behaviourist/vet told...
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    Ok well Eja used to jump alot on people when he would meet them and around 7 months of age he seemed to just "get it" (I thought something was wrong with him LOL) now he still does when he greets people if they get very excited and playful with him but not so much on initial meeting...also this...
  4. N

    My Alaskan Newfie-Eja

    Well this would be the man way up here in alaska....should snow pretty soon so should have some good snow shots posted shortly!!! Enjoy my big puppy!!!
  5. N

    Elbow Info???

    Ok..well this isn't for me but for a lady up here with a newf...let me start by saying that...most newfs up here that I have encountered recently seem to be from the same litter...and don't know if they are pure but almost completely newf. Obviously someone up here..and I know who!!! was a not...
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    Anyone Else's Dog do this????

    Ok...Eja aka Dogzilla is now 8 months about 5 months I took him to the pond and he did swim after some sticks and brought them back..I was impressed he my wonderful Dry suit..(I am NOT getting into water up here in alaska) I thought I would see what he would do...he came in...
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    Newf and Six Cats

    well I think the topic title pretty much sums this delima up. i have six cats and my 8 month old Eja. He has passed his first puppy class and is starting a second level in two weeks. I am a stay at home mom and he is with me constantly when not being crated for being a little booger so he is...
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    Rambunctious Little Devil

    Hi everyone, well I don't have a problem persay just more wondering and venting on will I ever make it thru????? my devil boy named Eja (pronounced Asia) is a 7 month old typical newf...does have some dominance but very very mild. I have six cats...yes you read correctly six cats...and a 19...