Recent content by Mickey1

  1. Mickey1

    Avatar Test

    let's see if this worked....
  2. Mickey1

    Computer UN- saavy

    Can anyone explain how I can use another site's emoticons at Newf-Net or is it just not permitted? Thanks!!
  3. Mickey1

    Cherry Eye

    Can anyone tell me what the appropriate treatment for cherry eye is? my newf has one and the vet was going to eliminate it but all he did was stitch it back....6wks later it popped out again..I really hate to put him under again..I am really teed off. When I brought him in I thought that would...
  4. Mickey1

    Mickey 1yr old

    Hi Everyone- Please sa a prayer for Mickey.. I just took him to the vet for the second time this week. He has been vomitting occasionally for the past 3 wks or so a little each time. To make a long story short he is being tested for thyroid problems but the worst is possible...
  5. Mickey1


    Can anyone inform me about "Cherry Eye"--None of my dogs have ever had it. My 7 mo old was just dianosed with it-I thought he had an eye infection -rushed him to the vet and he told me to put drops in eye for 2 weeks if that doesn't help ,surgery is in order.. Anyone out there know the latest...
  6. Mickey1

    Three cheers for Mickey!

    Mickey has seen the light!!!!!!!! he turned 5 mos old on the 23rd of March and decided to be totally housebroken! I'm in Newf heaven!!! I though this day would never come!
  7. Mickey1

    Dog treats

    Does anyone have any good recipes for dog cookies? I'd love to make some healthy ones for Mickey rather than buy them from the store.