Recent content by Mary

  1. M

    Newfie Calendar

    I'm not sure if you are all familar with the past "Newfs in Hats" calendars but they are wonderful by Tracy Carlton. The 2004 calendar orders are now being accepted. This year the theme is "What Newfs Should Not Do!!" and it looks great. Here is the link to the website with all of the info...
  2. M


    Ok I and Gracie were real jeolous looking at all the photos of your wonderful beaches. So took Gracie down to Lake Superior yesterday, she had a wonderful day ;) You can see her picture at Mary& "Gracie"
  3. M

    One can never have too many Barneys!

    That is according to Gracie :D Mary & "Gracie"
  4. M

    A Friend

  5. M


    Many months ago Gracie had B-Day #5!! As you can see Gracie quite couldn't wait till her cake was cut ;) BTW Gad, this is my first try to post pics on the new board and it's much easier, even though I am considered one of the bad photogaphers with a very cheap camera no less.
  6. M

    Christmas Newf

    Graice & Santa (hopefully) --Edited by GAD-- [This message has been edited by GAD (edited 12-17-2000).] [This message has been edited by GAD (edited 12-17-2000).]