Recent content by joebas

  1. joebas

    Boys in a Box!

    Connor loves to play inside new boxes when we get something new. This is the biggest box he has ever had. The doggies are trying to get at a ball he has with him.
  2. joebas

    Teddy at 16 months old

    Teddy, waiting for my son to throw the ball!!
  3. joebas

    Teddy and the Pack

    Hello, I have not posted in a while, but here is recent picture of Teddy, now at 16 months and 120 lbs with his pack
  4. joebas

    Teddy at 8 Months, swimming(Pic Heavy)

    Teddy, will turn 8 months on May 6th, he weight in at 100 pounds even last night and here are pictures we took last Sunday when it hit over 90 degrees. We have a nice size pond in our back yard that leads into a larger section. Swimming with Connor and Lucy Teddy would not leave...
  5. joebas

    Water Works Question

    Hello everyone, I have a nice size pond in my back yard and wondering what type of boat I should get for water work training. Would a flat bottom, 12 or 14 feet be good? Teddy is 7 months! Thank you!
  6. joebas

    Teddy at 7 months

    Hello everyone, Teddy turned 7 months old today and weight in at 95lbs. Here he is with his sister Candy With his Brother Connor And with his pack
  7. joebas

    Teddy at 6 months with his pack.

    Hello everyone, Teddy turned 6 moths on Friday and is 83 lbs. Here is before and after pictures. At 9 weeks old: Today's shots
  8. joebas

    Teddy at 4 months!

    Teddy turned 4 months old yesterday and weight in at 55 lbs. here he is when we first got him at 8 weeks.
  9. joebas

    Teddy after a week and a half with us.

    Our first picture with our pack. From left to right, we have Lucky, Teddy, Candy and Lucy.
  10. joebas

    Teddy after 4 days with us

    Hello all, here are some new pictures of Teddy the past couple of days. With his 12 year old sister! In our sand pit! Close up! Guarding our yard!!
  11. joebas

    Teddy's first day home!!

    Here you go team!! Pictures of Teddy on his first day home with us. I lighten them up a bit as he is jet black. He's such a sweetheart just like I have been reading for a year now. Thank you all, you don't know how much information you have given over the past year.
  12. joebas

    Picking up Teddy tomorrow morning!

    Hello all, the day has finally come. We will be driving 4 hours tomorrow morning to pick our Teddy from NY to NH. The picture below shows him at 6 weeks of age. I should have updated picture over the weekend.
  13. joebas

    It's a Boy!!!!

    Hello all!! I have been lurking here since April researching and taking all your advice on how to live with a Newf. Well, in about 4 more weeks we will be bringing home our baby. Below is a picture taken this past weekend at 3 weeks old. At this time we do not have a name for him as we are...