Recent content by jeffe

  1. jeffe

    Big help needed

    We have had Daisy 3 months, she is a private re-home and is 18 months old. She has been the best behaved sweetest doggie you could have, gets along with Ted brilliantly and with everyone else...until today at the park. A female Jack Russell ran up to Ted and Daisy, Ted had a sniff and trotted...
  2. jeffe

    Ted and Daisy

    This is Ted and Daisy, Daisy is my rescue dog, just by chance she is exactly the same age as Ted.... 17 months
  3. jeffe

    Daisy Again

    At the lake
  4. jeffe


    This is Daisy we re-homed her last week.She is settling in really well and Ted just loves her, we are so proud of him treating her so well and sharing all his toys
  5. jeffe

    Thanks Ted !!

    I thought we had got over all this !! :devil: Good job its a old sofa. Ive re stuffed it, sown it back up and it looks as good as new again.
  6. jeffe

    How has your Newfie changed your life?

    We have always had a dog (2 actually) but Ted is our first Newfie and boy has he ever changed our life. First came the new bigger 4x4 to transport him around in. Then my husband gave up his job to start a dog walking/home boarding service so Ted never had to be alone and days out are always...
  7. jeffe


    This is Ted our newfie puppy at 12 weeks he is 9 months old now