Recent content by dannyra

  1. dannyra

    Nani playing

    Been a while since I've been on here. Change of jobs has kept me really busy. Our golden, Kylee, had a lump removed about 10 days ago and has been out of commission for Nani's entertainment. So I stepped in. ofgX8D1kTeM We did this the other day for 20 minutes until I had to quit because...
  2. dannyra

    I bit a child today...crossposted.

    Dear Friends, I hope you will print this article today, written by our DDB founder. Then, gather addresses in your neck of the woods, and send it to every chained dog owner you can find. We will change history, by not keeping dogs chained, and making them part of the family. So let's get...
  3. dannyra

    Nani and NN Kylee (Pic Heavy)

    Kylee turned 4 today. So after we got back from dropping my MIL off in Rapid City we took the dogs to the city dams about 20 minutes from us and got some McDonalds burgers for them on the way back. Besides having a great time, they got to bark at some cows at home. Neighbors cows got out...
  4. dannyra

    My experience with the get together.

    When we went to Estes we were excited, but a little apprehensive about how our dogs would interact. I am so proud to say that our anxiety and apprehension was totally unfounded. Nani was a bit growly when we first arrived and on leash. Every new meeting on leash had a few seconds of growling...
  5. dannyra

    Few of my pictures from the CO GTG

    Those that are refusing to leave the lake. Walter, love the floogers and the strut. Not sure which dog. Abbey and maybe Gojie or Zeke. Nani making fast friends with Gracie. Zeke making sure everybody is playing nicely. Back to our regularly scheduled play time. Kylee not...
  6. dannyra

    Transport from Texas to Colorado (crossposting)

    Looks like that Newf that was rescued at the last second from Angelton TX last week needs some help getting to her forever home. ---------------------------------- Quinn the Newfie has found her forever home and she needs a ride to meet them! She is currently in the Houston TX area and her...
  7. dannyra

    Ode to a Transporter

    Quick go get it, get me my map the one that shows where the exits are at I got an urgent, a final plea a dog needs to move asap! Ill get the legs, all lined in a row Post the trans, all over ya know Ill beg and plead, and bribe indeed we have a critter with a major need The puter crashes, I...
  8. dannyra

    Newf in Angelton TX needs pulled

    URGENT: Newf in Angelton TX needs pulled Big Dogs Huge Paws needs help from a rescue to pull this Newf. Below is the cross post: Big Dogs Huge Paws has asked me to help them find someone with a rescue that can pull a dog today or tomorrow for them...
  9. dannyra

    Kathy Sdao videos

    Anybody used any of Kathy Sdao's videos that are based off her hands-on workshops? Such as "Know way, Know How - The Science and Art of Clicker Training", "Advance Clicker Training", "Get Smart About Training" and a few others...
  10. dannyra

    Nani...a year later

    We signed paperwork for Nani on the 1st and brought her on the long ride home on the 5th. Picture from May 1 2009. And a few from today. Laughing at me. My good side, well every side is my good side dad. You better be ready, because here I come!!
  11. dannyra

    Newf Mix almost out of time.

    There is a Newf mix in Joplin, MO that is almost out of time. Here is the info I got. I have sent this sweet boys picture out several times and have had no luck with him. He was moved over to golden paws back in nov because a rescue was going to take him, they never showed up. This was back...
  12. dannyra


    I was wondering if any of you have a presentation on Rescue vs. Buying. We're going to do a presentation tonight on this at our dog lovers group. I started putting one together but then thought: "Why reinvent the wheel". If you have a presentation that I could borrow and maybe edit a bit that...
  13. dannyra

    OMG I am so mad.

    Many of you may recall the 15 Newfs that MsKate and I tried to get away from a local woman that thinks she's a rescue. She got them all from a byb. There was a three year old that had 8 pups. A male, two 2 year olds females and three 7 month olds. Well we just found on petfinder the woman...
  14. dannyra

    Hope CSI doesn't show up.

    I feel terrible, I was trimming Nani's nails and she jerked just as I was trimming the nail and got her quick pretty good. Coming from the situation the rescue got her from she is scared of most things and has come a long way. Now she's scared and piddling everytime I try and put some...
  15. dannyra

    A few recent pics.

    She said she didn't want me to post pics, but her blur of a tail told me a different story. You've got TREATS!!!! Up, Up and away!!! My two with perfect stays while I get the mail out of the mailbox. They make me so proud. Nani has come so far. Trying to decide if turkey poop tastes...