Recent content by Cat

  1. Cat

    test test test

    check check check
  2. Cat


    Our little Prince Sam I Am and his 12 year old, 85 lb. Lab sister, Bella (AKA Ethyl Merman) a couple days ago during swim time.
  3. Cat


    Yup, just another beautiful day in paradise shoot this morning for Prince Samson. We cannot believe he will be three on January 1st. Have to double the hug ration. No swimming today. He got a boo boo on one of his toes yesterday. He doesn't know it yet, but he will be bummed. Cheers All !
  4. Cat

    Furbaby Swarovski Crystal Cell Phone Bling

    A generous portion of all proceeds goes to Newf Rescue The quality of the portraits that we do on these cell phone covers is so stunning that it seems a shame to cover them with our beautiful Swarovski crystals. Nonetheless, please visit our website at and we would be...
  5. Cat

    "Samson photo overload" or "The pool chems are rinsed off, but no soap yet please"

    "Samson photo overload" or "The pool chems are rinsed off, but no soap yet please" Sorry, once I get the camera out, I just can't help myself... I'll just drip dry awhile OK ? Once a puppy, always a puppy...
  6. Cat

    "It's not raining, I had to get wet somewhere!" or "So whaddaya wanna do now?"

    "It's not raining, I had to get wet somewhere!" or "So whaddaya wanna do now?" Prince Sam I Am was left unattended for mere minutes since the last photo shoot/post... You left for 10 minutes, so I went for a little swim. These plastic lawn furniture barriers are a joke right ? What water ...
  7. Cat

    "Samson between rain clouds" or "Mom, tell Dad the fence needs paint"

    "Samson between rain clouds" or "Mom, tell Dad the fence needs paint" Here it is We were playing and you got the camera again? That is the camera again! I knew I heard it! I have a what? hanging where? I am going to run right at you now...
  8. Cat

    Am I the last one to have ever seen this ?

    High Five to ! Such a wonderful sketch !
  9. Cat

    Mythical Creature update

    Geez, we didn't even barbecue this summer and we're rolling the clocks back all ready. We work too much... Almost have the backyard enlargement project done. We better hurry, it will be "snowing" soon. Samson was striking his best Vogue Lifeguard pose last weekend so I thought we would share...
  10. Cat

    Nothing special

    Just extraordinary me, in this morning's photo of us between fetches...
  11. Cat

    I love watching doggies on TV

    Hi, Samson here again. I stop whatever I'm doing to watch when my favorite actors are on, I don't bark though. I'm always glad when Mom or Dad tells me that "the doggies are on TV". Here's one Mom caught of me watching a few minutes of our cousins at this last Westminster. What a hoot I am...
  12. Cat

    I made the Newfoundland Club Of San Diego Newsletter !

    Hi, it's Samson again. I've become a 140 lb., 15 month old puppy since my last post. Here are a few photos of me, covering everything from the last of my puppy hair, to my 1-year old birthday party on January 1st (my Labbie sister was 10 on that same day), to playing with the big dogs at the...
  13. Cat

    I'm told that I'm becoming quite the young Newfie...

    Hi ! It's me again. I'm Samson, but you can call me Sam. I weigh 55 lbs. and am 18 weeks old now. I'm just as tall as my full grown Labrador sister and tower over my Chow sister. Here is a small collection, from the hundreds of photos and home videos of me, that Mom and Dad have finally...
  14. Cat

    New kid in town

    It's a boy !!! I'm Samson, but you can call me Sam. I'm 9 weeks old in this photo and just taking a break to digest my new back yard...(we added another photo post on Page 3 and started an album in our profile)
  15. Cat


    test photo thank you