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  1. W

    Dethan's Central Europe video montage

    Great video! Thanks for sharing!
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    Katala has passed

    I'm deeply sorry for your loss. That was a fantastic age to achieve. I'm sure you will have great memories to carry you forward. RIP pretty girl.
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    Katala turned 13

    Wow! Happy Birthday to both your pups! That's quite an achievement!
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    Sadie Turns 11 Years Old

    So sorry to hear about your precious girl. These dogs are so amazing. It seems they never complain until it's really bad. And then one day they just seem to struggle and you get that sick feeling inside. I hope her days are filled with joy and I know she knows she is loved.
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    Hospitals & Rehabs

    Not personally, but have had friends in that boat. I will say that my cancer clinic here allows one visitor to accompany the patient for check-ups. However, veterinary clinics will still not allow owners to accompany their pets in their clinics. Crazy. Had several friends take their pets for...
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    Thank you for adding me

    Have you checked out the Newfoundland Club of America's breeder's list? It's on their website, which is sometimes hard to navigate. I think that's your best bet since so many dog shows have been canceled.
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    How much truth is there to newfy rescues?

    What specifically do you want to know?
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    Stroller / Cart / DIY recommendation for 9Y0 Raven w/ hip dysplasia

    Will you be able to get her in and out of an apparatus? Does she get up on her own? I have never had experience with a cart to put the dog in, but am curious if anyone will have some suggestions. I've been lucky in that a Help 'Em Up harness was all I needed to get them outside. Once on their...
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    I see you!

    Ho ho ho, I know you're out there hiding. Just a quick note to wish you all the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year. Where ever you are in this big old, sometimes dreary world, I hope you're safe and have everything you need and you're able to have your family near. I feel so lucky to...
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    6 Week Newfie Help!

    Am I understanding your post correctly? He is only 6 weeks old? If this is correct, have you taken him to a vet yet? He is probably not up to date on shots, he has not had his heart checked which the breeder should do at 12 weeks before they send the puppy home. Which means you got him 6 weeks...
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    Borrowed Foster Newf

    Just curious to know if you still have your borrowed Newf?
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    What is your dogs' favorite snacks?

    Mostly food, but some non food, too. Usually when they're young. Like socks, remotes, etc. But definitely food. Each dog has his/her preferences. Frank is more fond of apples and pears than steaks, for example. Charlie (Newf house guest) turns up her nose at dog food, but will eat piles of...
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    Newf Net is Back!

    So glad to have NN back again. Thanks Gad!
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    Happiest of Holidays to You!

    It's been nearly twenty years since I joined NN. I spent many hours on here making friends, asking for ideas, sharing your sorrows. NN was such an important part of my life that I had to log on first thing in the morning. So to all whom I have shared my life with and who have shared theirs...
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    Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian buddies.

    Have a warm and blessed weekend from Frank and me.
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    Hi old friends

    Jane and Frank here. I got some "bummer" (pun intended) news at the beginning of the year. Rectal cancer. Did chemo-radiation for 5 weeks, no big deal. Didn't feel sick or lose my hair. Just ruined my sense of taste for a while. Just got home Wed from colorectal surgery. Had to get a...
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    I forgot to brag on my boy. He got his novice trick dog title and his achievement award from AKC. So he's now... CH (Kennel Name) Catch Me If You Can CGC, TKN. Not bad for an old fella. LOL Right click on the place holders below and open in a new tab to see him. Here he is sporting his new...
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    One last post. Happy Birthday Frank

    Ever since Frank came into my life last year, it's been a journey of discovery, and a special privilege to share my life with him. I can truly say we are best friends and inseparable. Yesterday was Frank's 8th Birthday and full of adventure. I had to go to our Newf club's board meeting in the...
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    Frank is now...

    CH Wilbon's Catch Me If You Can CGC He passed his Canine Good Citizen test last night to the delight of the onlookers who were waiting with bated breath while he did the slowest sit I've ever seen. Like an old Victorian lady gathering her voluminous skirts before she delicately alights on the...
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    Fun with Frank

    Frank is learning to swim. Not bad for an old fellow. And this week we start our CGC classes. He's doing well with basic obedience commands. Should be able to pass.